Kia rapahoe te uru, anō he matimati nō Tangaroa ā te Toi.
We plunge the steering paddle of our waka into the sea to become the creative fingers of Tangaroa.
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To promote, engage, advance and provide opportunities for Ngāti Toa participation, employment, resilience and advancement in the arts.
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Some of our Ngāti Toa established artists, weavers and carvers filled Pātaka gallery with their taonga including Kohai Grace, Hermann Salzmann, Jasmin Arthur, Elaine Bevan and Wiremu Grace and alongside other mātanga toi too.
This was an opportunity for whanau and community to experience the extraordinary level of mastery in toi within our people.
We will update you on the next location this exhibition will be touring to.
(Image: Raranga of Kohai Grace)
Toi wānanga have been a big focus for our mātanga toi, sharing their knowledge and expertise to our emerging Ngāti Toa artists. Through the support of Creative New Zealand and The Department of Conservation we were able to engage our whānau in learning mahi toi such as mahi muka, tārai waka, whāriki, feather pelting and more! See below for the series of videos of these wānanga.
Ngāti Toa Waka Wānanga
Mātanga whakairo Tahua Solomon and Hermann Salzmann work with Ngāti Toa carvers building their knowledge to vitalise the skills of waka in Ngāti Toa.
Whāriki Wānanga i Whakatū Marae
Ko Missy Broughton nō Te Aitanga-ā-Hauiti te mātanga kairaranga o te wānanga nei. I tūtuki pai ngā kairaranga ki te whakamutu tētahi whāriki mō te marae o Whakatū.
Taonga Puoro i Whakatū Marae
Anō rā he kaupapa toi i tū ai i te marae o Whakatū. Nā Tāmihana Kātene (Ngāti Toa) te mātanga i whakaako ngā āhuatanga o te kōauau me te whakapapa, pūrakau hoki e pā ana ki ngā taonga puoro.
Wānanga Manu Huruhuru me te Hāro Muka
I tau mai ngā uri o Ngāti Toa ki te ako i ngā āhuatanga manu huruhuru, me ngā tikanga e pā ana ki tērā taonga. Ko Mathew McIntyre Wilson (Nga Mahanga, Taranaki, Titahi) te mātanga o te kaupapa rā. I whakaako mai a Elaine Bevan (Ngāti Toa), Kohai Grace (Ngāti Toa) rātou ko Tracey Patete (Ngāti Toa) i ngā kaupapa muka me te piupiu. Ko Hermann Salzmann (Ngāti Toa) te mātanga whakairo i whakahaere ngā tauira whakairo.
Piupiu Wānanga i Te Aumiti
Hei hāngai ki ngā mahi e pā ana ki te muka, i haere tahi ai ētahi ringatoi ō Whakatū me Porirua ki Te Aumiti, mō tētahi wānanga piupiu nā Elaine Bevan (Ngāti Toa) rāua ko Tacey Patete (Ngāti Toa) ngā kaiako o te wānanga nei. Ko Aunty Ngawai Webber te kaitiaki o te taonga nei.
Our current intake of classes are aimed at emerging and established iwi artists in whakairo, tukutuku and kōwhaiwhai. We aim to develop Ngāti Toa artists in order to support the transmission of traditional and contemporary artforms across our iwi. Our intake for classes are full. Please subscribe to our enews to register for upcoming classes and toi wānanga.