Te Reo Manawataki o Ngāti Toa Rangatira
Rauemi Reo
This is an easy-to-use template of our Ngāti Toa pepeha, and a great way to be able to teach our tamariki and wider whānau
These downloadable easy resources include some helpful language to use in your kainga (homes) with your friends and whānau
The Hei Oranga plans are personal and whānau reo strategies and are used to create your personal reo Māori goals and learning pathway
Wānanga Reo Highlights
Ep 1: Te Tiriti o Waitangi
In our first podcast episode Kahu and Tawhiri talk through the lead up to the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the events that took place not long after for Ngāti Toa. They explore the iwi settlement process and how this has impacted us.
He pāpāho reo-rua tēnei.
Ep 2: Mokopapa
In this video 4 Tāne of Te Hokowhitu Toopu o Ngāti Toa Rangatira receive their pūhoro during the first ever Mokopapa to be held by Ngāti Toa and it was held at Hongoeka marae in the wharenui Te Heke Mai Raro. Their Kaiako also received his Mataora during the week long wānanga that moved over to Whitireia polytech then to Kapiti Island in it's final days.

Kia mōhio ai ngā uri i te tukitukinga, i te manawa-pao, i te manawatakinga o Te Rauparaha
— Te Reo Manawataki Rautaki Reo