Iwi Registrations
Nau mai, Haere mai, ki te Rēhita ā iwi o Ngāti Toa Rangatira.
To register please click on the Printable form or Online form below.
When you register, we will need a copy of your Birth certificate for proof of ID and any supporting documents to help verify your application. Please send by email to: iwiregistrationadmin@ngatitoa.iwi.nz.
Your registration form and in particular your whakapapa information will be provided to our Whakapapa Committee to check and confirm your connection to Ngäti Toa. If some details are missing, there may be a delay in the approval of your registration.
When you become a registered iwi member, you will receive a unique iwi registration number.
Registering as an iwi member is easy and gives you access to a range of benefits:
Connections with Ngāti Toa whānau whānui, marae and iwi
Participation in Ngāti Toatanga, reo, whakapapa and mātauranga wānanga
Participation in iwi events
Voting rights for Board and Trustee elections
Participation in surveys and focus groups
Access to Education and Sports grants and scholarships
Regular information and updates on Rūnanga business and iwi events and activities
Access to social and health services support
Education support for tamariki and rangatahi
Support for social housing
Ability for spouse's to register as an iwi member by marriage
Access to iwi member discounts for building supplies and materials.
Benefits your registration will bring to Ngāti Toa:
Understanding how many Ngāti Toa there are today and our age demographics
Know where all Ngāti Toa members are located
Develop a database of skills and expertise that exists within the iwi and support connections for business development and
other opportunities
Represent the collective and individual interests of Ngāti Toa with local and central government.
To register as an iwi member, you will need to provide the following information:
Date of birth
Postal and physical address
Email address
Mobile phone
Your whakapapa that connects you to Ngāti Toa
Your spouse's name
The names and ages of your tamariki or legal dependents under the age of 18 years old
Marae affiliations and the marae voting.
Update your contact details
To check your iwi registration number or to update your contact information, email our team iwiregistrationadmin@ngatitoa.iwi.nz.