Te Reo Manawataki o Ngāti Toa Rangatira
Rauawatia tō waka ka ōtia rawatia, tau ana e!
Kotahi Rau Tau
Our vision is to have four generations of Ngāti Toa reo Māori speakers by 2123. Te Reo Manawataki o Ngāti Toa Rangatira provides the direction for achieving our ambitious te reo Māori aspirations and informs a detailed implementation plan.
Te Ohu Reo
Te Ohu Reo Manawataki o Ngāti Toa Rangatira was established in 2023 to drive the revitalisation of te reo Māori within Ngāti Toa uri. Our team of highly skilled and capable individuals come with a wealth of pukenga, mātauranga and a passion for the revitalisation of Te Reo Rangatira.
Rauemi Reo
It is our intention over time to build up our kete rauemi (resource basket) with helpful resources for all capability levels.
Reo Māori Programmes
Ki te hunga pīkoko ki te kai a te rangatira, e hiakai ana ki te ako i tō tātou reo rangatira, nau mai!
Te Ataarangi has been a major force in the language revitalisation movement in Aotearoa for the last 44 years. Developed by Kāterina Te Heikōkō Mataira and Ngoingoi Pewhairangi, Te Ataarangi has supported thousands of people to speak Māori in homes and communities.
We have partnered with Te Ataarangi to deliver Te Reo Māori Level 1 in 2023 and look to run both level 1 and level 2 in 2024.
These classes are weekly in-person following the school terms, no online option available.
This is an online learning programme for Te Reo Māori and available at no cost to our iwi.
Log in to your portal here
Our Ohu Reo have run 3 Wānanga Reo since Matariki 2023. We aim to run monthly wānanga Reo in 2024. Keep an eye out on our Wātaka below for all the details and how to register.
These wānanga are in-person, online options not available.
Wātaka Reo Māori
We run a number of kaupapa reo Māori throughout the year. Our calendar will show you when our Wānanga are taking place, as well as some key dates to mark your calendars with.
Whakapā mai.
2 Ngatitoa Street
Takapūwāhia, Porirua
Kia mōhio ai ngā uri i te tukitukinga, i te manawa-pao, i te manawatakinga o Te Rauparaha
— Te Reo Manawataki Rautaki Reo