Wānanga Reo Tuaono
Wānanga Reo - Matariki
This wānanga will be held at Takapūwāhia. Click the link below to register.

Wānanga Reo Tuarima
Tau mai e Kapiti.
This wānanga will be held at Whitireia Polytech, E Block. Click the link below to register.

Wānanga Reo Tuawhā
Te Heke Mai Raro
This wānanga will be held at Hongoeka Marae. Click the link below to register.

Wānanga Reo - Te Tau Ihu
Te Ārai i Wairau
Wānanga Reo Tuarua ki Te Tauihu.
This wānanga will be held in Wairau at Wairau Pā. This wānanga looks to explore our hononga ki Wairau, connect with our whānau based in Te Tauihu as well as strengthen relationships with Ngā Iwi o Te Tauihu.
Click the link below to register.

Te Ohu Reo Tipi TOA
Join us for a Bus Tour to sites of significance - reo Māori styles!
Spaces are limited for this wānanga - kia tere mai tō rehita, kei mahue te pahi!

Wānanga Reo 3
Nau mai, tauti mai! Our Ohu Reo invite you to register your attendance at the next Wānanga Reo taking place 24-26 Noema at Takapūwāhia Marae. This wānanga reo follows on from the last kaupapa Ngāti Mangō ki Kawhia and will dive into the events leading up to, and after, the battle of Hingakākā.
Mēnā rānei he pātai āu, tukuna mai ki reo@ngatitoa.iwi.nz