Te Rōpū Rangatahi o Ngāti Toa Rangatira
Ka ngaro he tētēkura, ka whakaeke mai he tētēkura
Tono mai mō
Te Rōpū Rangatahi o Ngāti Toa Rangatira!
Te Rōpū Rangatahi is an independent group of Ngāti Toa rangatahi aged 16-30 who will:
✔ Be a strong rangatahi voice within the iwi
✔ Support connection and leadership opportunities for Ngāti Toa rangatahi across te ao
✔ Support succession planning – growing the next generation of iwi leaders
✔ Focus on key kaupapa that matter to rangatahi
Te Rōpū Rangatahi will have 8 seats:
✨ 2 x seats for 16-20 year olds
✨ 2 x seats for 21-25 year olds
✨ 2 x seats for 26-30 year olds
✨ 2 x General Seats (open to any age within 16-30)
The Rōpū will meet monthly, hold bi-annual rangatahi events, and form ohu (working groups) to focus on key kaupapa. A Chair and Ohu Leads will be chosen at the first Rōpū Rangatahi hui.
He Karanga Tēnei
We’re calling on Ngāti Toa rangatahi who want to step up, lead, and make an impact to put their name forward!
Who can be part of the rōpū?
You whakapapa to Ngāti Toa Rangatira
You are aged 16-30 as of 1 January 2025
What’s the commitment?
Monthly hui
Bi-annual rangatahi events
Lead ohu (working groups) to drive kaupapa
What’s the process?
Nominations - Tono Mai
To stand for election, please fill out the online Nomination Form.
Nominations are open until 23 March at 5pm.
We know rangatahi express themselves in different ways, so you can submit a bio and/or a 60-second video that outlines who you are and why you should be on te Rōpū Rangatahi. Please answer in your bio or video the following pātai:
“What does our iwi moemoeā – ‘Kia tū ai a Ngāti Toa, hei iwi toa, hei iwi rangatira ki tēnei ao’ – mean to you for the future of our rangatahi?”
All nominees’ photos, bios and videos will be shared on this page on an “as received basis”, in our pānui, and on social media so rangatahi can see who’s putting their hand up.
Voting will be online.
It opens 24 March at 12pm and closes 4 April at 5pm.
An online quorum open to all Ngāti Toa Rangatahi aged 16-30 will be held Sunday 6 April at 7pm for final votes and election results.
A pānui about this online quorum will be provided closer to time.
Horopaki - Context
There used to be rangatahi seats on the Rūnanga Board to help provide a rangatahi voice. These have since been disestablished.
Since then, a rōpū of rangatahi have been discussing, engaging and working to develop an avenue for rangatahi voices and whakaaro to be elevated and listened to within iwi and/or Rūnanga forums.
The avenue was discussed at the inaugural Rangatahi Forum in November 2024, where rangatahi agreed to establish a Rōpū Rangatahi - an independent rōpū of rangatahi that will represent and connect rangatahi voices across iwi matters. They also decided on the structure and format at this Forum.
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira endorsed the formation of a Rōpū Rangatahi at their November 2024 Board Meeting and appointed Rānei Parai as the Rūnanga Board Sponsor of te Kaunihera Rangatahi. The kaupapa was then shared with the iwi at the Hui-ā-Iwi (AGM) in December 2024.
Te Kaunihera Rangatahi is a space for rangatahi, by rangatahi – a dedicated group of Ngāti Toa Rangatahi aged 16-30 who will represent our voice in iwi matters, connect rangatahi across the world, and help shape the future of our iwi.
Over the years, Ngāti Toa Rangatira has continued to grow and evolve, strengthening our position as an iwi and ensuring our future remains bright. But as we look ahead, one thing is clear: our rangatahi are the future.
Te Kaunihera Rangatahi is a way to:
Ensure our rangatahi have a say on issues that affect their future
Provide unique rangatahi perspectives
Develop our rangatira mō āpōpō and succession planning
Create a network of rangatahi uri across te ao
Follow @toarangatahi on Instagram - that’ll be our main avenue for updates. You can also follow Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira on Facebook and @terunangaotoa on Instagram to get regular updates and pānui on this kaupapa.
Please join the Facebook Group Ngā Tētēkura o Ngāti Toa Rangatira to connect to other Ngāti Toa rangatahi and engage on this kaupapa.
We will also update this website with nominee bios and videos, so keep a lookout for new content on here to keep updated on our rangatahi who put their names forward.

Kia tū ai a Ngāti Toa Rangatira! Hei iwi toa, hei iwi rangatira, hei iwi rangatahi.
E ngā Rangatahi o Ngāti Toa Rangatira, this is about us. Our people, our future, our iwi.
We encourage you to put your name forward, have your say, and get involved. Karawhuia!
Keep an eye on our iwi website, pānui, and social media for updates.
Key Dates
Te Rōpū Rangatahi will:
Meet monthly - this includes the first hui for te Rōpū Rangatahi 11-12 April
Hold bi-annual rangatahi events to engage and connect rangatahi
Lead ohu (working groups) to drive key kaupapa
Fill out the Nomination Form and make sure you’ve got a bio and a 60-second video about why you want to be part of this kaupapa.
There will be opportunities for rangatahi to take part in ohu (working groups) dedicated to key kaupapa.
Once te Rōpū Rangatahi is established, we’ll send out a pānui asking rangatahi to take part in these ohu - so watch this space!
Those who are outside of the age range and/or age out can act as advisors to te Rōpū Rangatahi to support succession planning.
Te Rōpū Rangatahi may wish to access expert Ngāti Toa Rangatira advisors for specific ohu as well.
If you’re keen to support please get in touch with us at rangatahi@ngatitoa.iwi.nz.
That is to be determined at the first Rōpū Rangatahi hui 11-12 April.