Mai i Miria te Kākara ki Whitireia, whakawhiti te Moana o Raukawa ki Wairau, ki Whakatū.
Ko wai a Ngāti Toa?
He iwi taketake a Ngāti Toa Rangatira nō te waka o Tainui. Ko Toa Rangatira te tūpuna nānā nei te iwi i tapaina. Ko mātou ngā uri whakaheke.
Ngāti Toa Rangatira (Ngāti Toa) are a Tainui iwi descended from the eponymous ancestor Toa Rangatira. Originally from Kāwhia, Ngāti Toa migrated south under the leadership of Te Rauparaha to establish our mana in the Raukawa Moana region through Take Raupatu and Ringa Kaha in the 1820’s.
Kaunihera Kaumātua
Our purpose: to tautoko community-based kaupapa by providing Māori perspective.
Meetings are held every first Tuesday of the month from 10am-12pm in the Old Wharekai at Takapūwahia Marae Grounds - Corner of Te Hiko and Ngatitoa Street.
Meetings are open to the Public (all adults) however, there may be kaunihera only time for the first hour, where needed.
Māori Womens Welfare League
The Ngāti Toa Branch of the Māori Women’s Welfare League was one of the first branches in Aotearoa to be established in 1951. We are the longest standing financial branch in Aotearoa.
Our purpose: a formidable voice to drive outcomes for wahine Māori and their whanau.
All wāhine are welcome to the monthly meetings held every second Tuesday of the month at 10am in Te Whare o Mananake - Takapūwāhia Marae Grounds